Monday, March 28, 2005

I guess I am not that old....

I may have said before that I have always thought I would make a great soldier. When I turned 34 I realized that it would be impossible for me to ever find out, but wouldn't you know it... the Army went and raised the enlistment age to 39! I could, if I wanted, still enlist! I kind of like knowing that if needed, I would still be of value to the military. Not that I would enlist now.. I just couldn't with the place I am right now in life and with my family, but if things were different, I would not hesitate. I wonder how many 34+ year olds will enlist now that the opportunity has been presented to them again? I t would be interesting to find out if the new age limit will have the desired effect.

Anyway, makes me feel good to know that I am not too old to join the Army, even though I won't. I bet Bruce Willis wishes the age limit was raised to 50!

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