Thursday, September 08, 2005

Pet Peeves

I have been bothered recently by things that are pet peeves of mine. Everyone has these little absurd quirks that bug them for some reason, or at least no good reason, but when the peeve nerve is hit, it really can make you mad, frustrated, or just irritated to the point of screaming. I probably have more than my share of pet peeves, so I thought I would list a my biggest ones so that you can all know what peeves me off, in order to avoid that particular action or to just make my life more difficult.

  • Following behind people in cars: It is not that I mind following people, I just hate having my driving dictated by the person in front of me.
  • Weather Forecasters: How is it that they can be so wrong so much of the time, but still keep their jobs?
  • People who make noises while eating: It can be the loud chomping of the food, or little noises in their throats, but if you make a noise, other than the usual chewing noise, you better leave my table! (I try to make it a habit to not actually watch people eat if I can help it, but that is often times very hard)
  • The response of "I don't care.": If you respond with this statement after being asked what you want to do, or where or what you would like to eat, or anything else, then you have given up all rights to have a say in what is going to happen, be eaten, or destination traveled to. Because you "don't care."
  • People who talk to much: I don't come by these people too often, usually because I try and stay away from them. Often times they are the same people who don't let you get an word in edge wise.
  • People who don't plan ahead: Carry a date book around. Make plans! Be Prepared! I know what I am doing almost a year in advance! Plan for the future! Be ready to handle the unexpected. There is a limit to one's preparedness, but a little goes along way!
  • The inability to say YES or NO: When I (or anyone) asks for a committment to something, either say yes or no, or at least give me a promise to get back to me with an answer... not the answer "I don't know." This peeve and the one above go almost hand in hand.
  • Lazy People: People who are just too lazy to do for themselves, or help themselves, or just don't want to help others. These people really hit my Peeve Nerve.

I have a few more pet peeves, but for the most part, these are the biggies. So there you go. Now that you know them, maybe you can avoid them!


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