Monday, February 06, 2006

A day of geeking out.

Greetings one and all. What a good weekend it was. I don't know how many of you are gamers out there, but I got to have a great two days of gaming at the local game convention and I must say, it was worth the time. As many of you might gather from some of my previous blog postings, I am a pretty big gamer. I like gaming of all sorts, strategy board games, card games, party games, role-playing games and video games. I love them all. I have my favorites, but I will play just about anything. And this weekend I got to hang out with a bunch of fellow gamers and a had a great time. But some thought goes into attending this game convention. First off, I try not to look like your "typical" gamer that everyone thinks of. I wear decent clothing that fits and nothing that says, "Look at me! I am a gamer geek!" Everytime I go to something like this, and there is media there, they always seem to pick out the biggest example of geekdom they can find and this dude, or dudette, always solidifies the publics opinion about gamers being greasy, unwashed, girl fearing people. (and believe me, they are there, but they are the exception to the rule) So I figure, that on the off chance someone from the media tries to photograph me or interview me, I at least will make a decent presentation of myself.
Secondly, I try to get into games with people who feel like I do about games. I want people who love games, love to play them, talk about them, and everything else, but I also want people who have a life other than gaming. I was pleasantly surprised to be involved in most of the games I played with people just like that. Heck! We even went to Hooters! Gamers that are not afraid of girls! ( I did actually meet some guys that would not go to Hooters, but would not declare their reasons why. I can only guess) It was a good time. I was discussing my motorcycle, my wife and kids, my other hobbies, and even my job. It was a really good day! I have not had this much fun gaming in a while! (and I know how to have a good time gaming...)
I am planning on taking my son next year, mainly because of the fact that I don't feel uncomfortable taking him to this convention. In the past, I would have felt bad exposing him to some of the people I met, but this year opened my eyes to the fact that there are regular gamers out there that are just like you and me. I think it will be a blast to have him along. I don't know if I will go to Hooters to eat with him, but we will see what a year brings.
Oh... and I was given a link to a cool video that deals with gamers and fear of girls. Check it out.
Enjoy! And remember to game on!!!


1 comment:

The guy who wears Chuck Taylors with a suit. said...

Well, as they say, "You can put a suit and tie on a pig, but its still a pig." Game on!