Monday, March 06, 2006

Dancing with the Girls

Hello again!
I must write about one of the best experiences I have had in a long time. On Saturday of last week, I had a date with a really beautiful girl. This girl just happened to be my daughter and the event was her first Daddy- Daughter Dance. She had been looking forward to this for the longest time. I knew she was getting excited, because she had a new hat, new shirt and new jeans for this event and she did not wear them before the event, and for my daughter, that is a big thing. See, she loves new clothes and wants to wear them as soon as possible, but these clothes were being saved, for something big! The theme of the dance was country/western. We as a family are not much for country/western music or fashion, but we did our best at fitting the theme. With a pink and white cowboy hat, a pink blouse, boot cut jeans, and a demin jacket, my daughter was the picutre of country cute. (It is my right and priviledge to say that there was not a cuter girl at the dance)
We started out the evening by going to a local restaurant and having a nice sit down dinner. I bought for her a corsage for her jacket and it was made up of her favorite colors. Pink and purple. We had a nice dinner of Chisken Strips and sweet potoato fries and Hot Chocolate. (Hey, it was her special night!) Then we headed to the dance.
The dance was held in the basement of a local church. Not much in the way of decorations, but there was music, colored dancing lights, and snacks and that was all that was needed. After a slight bout of hesitation, my daughter and I hit the dance floor. (The chicken dance was what got her on the floor.) After that, it was no stopping allowed. We danced for two solid hours. It takes a good deal of strength and stamina to dance with someone who is two feet shorter than you, and you will find yourself holding them alot more than anything else, but it is worth it. My little girl is quite a dancer. We were actually dancing together! She was watching me and others and trying to do her best. Some of it was slow and some of it was fast, but it was good dancing. She even bragged to her mom that I was a good dancer! We had a blast and I think it really meant alot to her. All the girls present seemed to have a good time and it was during th slow dances that you coudl really see the affection that daughters have for their dads. I have nver had so many kisses in one night. And so many "I love yous!" I could never get enough of those...
For those of you who have daughters, if you have the chance, take her to a Daddy/Daughter dance. You will not regret it. And to those of you who say you can't or won't dance, suck it up and get on the dance floor. Real men dance, so be a man!! This is your little girl we are talking about. Who do you want her first dance to be with? You or some unknown boy? It better be you. I would do it again in an instant. It was just me and her, and I figure that this is the best way for her to learn how to be treated and what to expect from a date or a dance. Set the ground rules early and teach her to expect courtesy, respect, and kindness when she goes out with a boy. If you make a good model for her, then she will who knows what she will settle for.
Dance with your daughter. Dance with your wife. Just dance. Dancing is celebrating. Celebrate life and family and go dance. For those of you who think you can't dance, you are wrong. You just don't know it. You are missing out.


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