Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Making Movies

Well, It looks like my 15 minutes of fame will come this Saturday. I, plus addtional members of my family are going to be extras in a independent, low budget film called "Press Start." It is a spoof of video games and other games in general. I have read the script and believe me, if you were a gamer of the recent past, you will understand all the small pokes and jabs at games from video and RPGs and collectible card games. If you want more information check out WWW.PRESSSTARTMOVIE.COM.

I get to be the Chef, from the old video game called "Burger Time" and also as the Knight that gets his armor knocked off of him leaving him in only his boxer shorts from a game called "Ghosts and Goblins."

The last time I was involved in a movie, was one I wrote and directed back in my junior college days. It was actually alot of fun, but a lot of work. I am looking forward to it. I will let you know how it turns out!


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