Thursday, July 20, 2006

A greedy SOB of a game!

I read in a small article lately, that the New XBOX 360 is a power hungry machine! Apparently the guys at ran tests on several different gaming consoles to guage energy usage and consumption, and fund that the behemoth of gaming consoles, the XBOX 360 is the biggest eater of energy. (Al Gore, look out!) Not only does it eat energy, but it will eat money too! IF you play the 360 for at least two hours a day, it will cost you about $19.88 per year extra on your power bill to feed it! Compared to a PS2 at $5.69 a year, that seems pretty heavy duty, but in my humble gaming opinion, it would be worth the extra cash. Because XBOX rocks over other game consoles. I do not have a 360 yet, (note, I said yet) but as soon as HALO 3 comes out, you can bet there will be a power hungry monster attached to my TV. I guess I better start saving for that higher power bill now!

Game on!

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