Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Stop Yer Whining!

Last night, I was watching the TiVo (and if you don't have TiVo, you should consider it) with my wife and she was catching up on some of her Oprah shows. This particular episode was one of those feel good shows that she often has on, but this one in particular had a pastor from a church in Kansas that started a movement based on the 11th commandment... "Thou Shalt Not Whine." It is a movement to reduce the amount of complaining in the world. He believes that the amount of trouble and strife in the world is directly proportional to the amount of whining and complaining that people do and that if people can make an effort to quit complaining about things, then the stress and strife might be reduced. It kind of go to the idea that the more you focus on something (good or bad) the more it is amplified and expanded. If you bitch and moan about your horrible lot in life, then your life just gets worse and vice versa.

Anyway, he came up with the idea to wear a purple arm band on your right wrist and to try and go 21 days without complaining about anything. (At least out loud as far as I can tell.) If you do find yourself complaining you are supposed to switch the armband to the other wrist and start over on a new 21 days. (21 days is supposed to be the number of days needed to break or start a new habit)

You can find out more about this program at I know that way too many of my friends complain about way to much. I too complain about too much when in reality, I really have very little to complain about. Things are pretty good for me and my family. So my wife ordered some of these for us and friends. Check back later to see what happens! And stop whining about it!


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