Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Because you always wanted to know...

Timeline of Middle Ages Kings of England
Timeline of the Norman Kings of England in the Middle Ages: 1066 -1154

1066-1087 King William the Conqueror
1087-1100 King William Rufus (son of William)
1100-1135 King Henry I (William Rufus brother)
1135-1154 King Stephen (nephew of Henry I)

Timeline of the The Plantagenet Kings of England (Angevin Line) in the Middle Ages:1154 - 1377

1154-1189 King Henry II (grandson of Henry I)
1189-1199 King Richard I (third son of Henry II)
1199-1216 King John (fifth son of Henry II)
1216-1272 King Henry III (son of John)
1272-1307 King Edward I (son of Henry III)
1307-1327 King Edward II (son of Edward I)
1327-1377 King Edward III (son of Edward II)

Timeline of the Royal Houses of Lancaster and York - Kings of England in the Middle Ages: 1377 - 1485

1377-1399 King Richard II (grandson of Edward III, son of the Black Prince)
1399-1413 King Henry IV (grandson of Edward III, son of John of Gaunt)
1413-1422 King Henry V (son of Henry IV)
1422-1461 King Henry VI (son of Henry V)
1461-1483 King Edward IV ( youngest son of Edward III )
1483-1485 King Richard III (uncle of Edward V)

And the Ranks of English Nobility: From greatest to least
King - Queen
Prince - Princess
Duke - Duchess
Marguess - Marchioness
Earl - Countess
Viscount - Viscountess
Baron - Baroness


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