Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A peice of the Moon?!!?

Today, I read in an AP article that the star's appearing at the American Music Awards will be presented with a basket containing something like 100 free items valued at over $33,000. One of these items is an acre of land on the moon! The moon of all things! Like anyone can own the moon right now! And like anyone can live on it right now! Apparently a company called Lunar Federation is planning a private mission to the moon, allowing it to create a moon government and secure land rights. (or so it claims) And I guess that is alright, although a bit of a shaky peice of ground from which to start a new country.

Anyhow, what really burns my butt is this... why do these movie and music stars get the royal treatment for all this stuff? I mean, what do they really do in life other than act and entertain? Do they save lives? Do they fight fires? Do they really do anything that deserves them having things thrown at them everytime they show their face. (or am I just being jealous?) Most of them couldn't form a thought unless it was written in a script but yet they feel the need to tell us about their thoughts on religion, politics and world issues when we really couldn't care less. Take for example Bruce Springsteen. In the last presidental election he holds a concert to bring people out to vote for John Kerry as opposed to George W. Bush. But a lot of the people who attended couldn't care less about the Boss's presidential choice, they just wanted to hear him play music! Some even brought signs saying "Shut up and Sing!"

I just get so tired of these stars getting the preferred treatment as if they really make a difference in the world. Maybe I am just jaded toward them but the free acre of the moon just burned me up. I can't hardly even afford to buy an acre of land right here on Earth and these dipsticks are getting acres of the moon thrown at them! Give me a break!


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