Thursday, July 05, 2007

Lookie at what I have!

Apparently, sometime on Saturday, the 30th of June, I did something or got bit by something that caused a huge infection on my lower left leg! I did not notice much until late Sunday when it felt alot like a localized sunburn. But after a walk on Monday, my leg and foot were swollen and sore and hurt enough to make me think something out of the ordinary was afoot.. no pun intended.
Late that night, I had my wife do a quick internet search for spider bites and lo and behold, this wound was starting to look like a Brown Recluse Spider bite... so, off to the emergency room we went at 10:30 at night! One Educated Opinion said it was a sub derman infection called cellulitus and I began taking antibiotics for it. The other Educated Opinion did not rule out a spider bite but thought it was most likely te cellulitus. Either way it hurt like hell.
Then, on Tuesday I went and did something stupid and stood on my feet for about 6 hours at a outdoor concert. Needless to say, Wednesday morning, you could find me crawling on all fours in order to simply get to the bathroom shower. I was a real invalid and felt like crap. However, a ton of ibuprofen and a little rest made it feel better and I think I am on the mend. It still hurts, and I can'r really even walk right yet, but I feel far better than I did yesterday!
Hope I didn't gross you out, but thought it worth sharing!

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