Friday, January 18, 2008

What I wished I had said...

When a member of our Boy Scout troop died in a drowning accident, I talked to the boys in our troop about life and what to do with it. I tried to give them my thoughts, but it did not come out very well. Here is what I wished I had said.

When you wake up in the morning, you do not expect that you will be dead before the afternoon arrives, but yet sometimes, bad things happen, and death does come. So live your life like there may be no tomorrow. Life should be treated like money; it should be spent and not saved. Spend your life well and not frivolously or on waste full things. Use it to its fullest amount. Don't save it hoping to wait for something great to come along. Go out and try new things that excite you. Do things that scare you! Ask the prettiest girl in the room to dance with you... you never know what might happen. Eat dessert first! Get out of your comfort zone and risk a little. Don't be unwise with your life, because like money, spending your life unwisely or in stupid, or dangerous ways, only wastes it. As a young person, you are given this feeling of immortality. Let that feeling enbolden you to try new and exciting things, but don't forget that you are NOT immortal. But not living life to its fullest and best is just as good as being dead.


1 comment:

bigm said...

I am sure the boys know those sentiments. I hope they have all been talking with their parents about that same subject.

I am glad your dad is doing better!