Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Las Vegas .. Day 2. The expensive and the ridiculous

Hey! Day 2 in Las Vegas and we still have not gambled. Probably because it cost so much for everything else that I can't hardly stand to give out the last few dollars in my pocket... Let's see, $5 for a water, $35 for breakfast, and $12 a day to just use the internet. But in the end, a big portion will be paid back from the conference re-imbursement. Monday was a lazy day. I headed out to the Forum Shops and quickly found that if you do not make at least $100.000 annually, you really can't afford to shop there. There are some high class establishments there that sell some really nice stuff and I would love to relieve them of some of their inventory, but alas, it is far to expensive. We did alot of window shopping which can be just as tiring as the real shopping. A nap was definately in order for the afternoon. We did not really have any plans other than exploring the strip a little more and a nice dinner out, especially since the last place was kind of a disappointment.
We set out but not before my wife tried her hand goosing the 16ft DAVID statue in the middle of the Appian Way in the Hotel.

Our dinner reservation was at a place called Sushi Roku, which looked nice from the description. And we were not dissappointed! It had a great selection and a great view. Nicely priced and great service. I even found a new appetizer that I will have to try to make at home!

After the our meal we headed in the opposite direction that we traveled last time and went to see the pirate show at Treasure Island but found it shut down for renovation. Oh well. More walking and we finally ended up at the Venetian Hotel. Nice looking place but it smelled funny. It is supposed to look like Venice with a canal and Gondola boats and all. Very cool. We are gonna go back for a boat ride I think. We walked around the shopping area, which you can see looks like a town square. It was here that I found the most ridiculous and expensive thing I have ever seen. It was at a watch and timepeice shop. A watch caught my eye and I asked about it. The clerk said they carried it and there were only two of them left and were $56,000.00 each. It did not register to me immediately that he had just said $56,000.00 for a watch! It was about 10 seconds later when I saw the price tag that it sunk in. There is a watch on the market that costs more than it cost me to buy my house! And then looking more closely, my wife pointed out a pocket watch that was $66,000.00!!! You gotta be kidding! Who buys this stuff!?

anyway... we walked some more and made our plans for Tuesday and it should be fun. The Tossaud's wax museum, the Eiffel tower and the M&M store! Funny, no mention of gambling yet.. maybe we should do that.


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