Monday, April 07, 2008

Working in the Past Tense...

Just a bit of an update to the blog. This last weekend I think I spent more time in historical costume than I did my 21st century clothes. I did a 14th Century demo at the Monticello Middle School, talking about archery and general subjects to the 6th grade class. I really love going there cause the kids are really receptive and the librarian does a bang up job of making a whole week long affair on studying the middle ages. A parent with a decent camera sent me some photos of the archery talks and demonstration and some of the general discussion. As is apparent from the photos I have started wearing armor and such at more an more demos as I am slowly trying to get a decent man-at-arms gear together. I am just about there. All I really need is some better footwear or leg protection to make it all work. And if you notice, in both photos I am wearing weaponry at no time did any kid go crazy and try to take the blades or something stupid like this. I like the fact that most schools are starting to understand that this zero tolerance for weaponry on school property needs to be dialed back a bit so that some teaching and learning can be done. While you can talk about the middle ages and not mention warfare, you are leaving out alot of discussion of "policy making" that went on at that time. I am finding that many more schools are opening their doors to having demonstrators come in and bringing their tools of the trade, even if those tools are guns and knives sometimes.
I also did a talk for the DAR (Daughters of the Revolution) in Sibley, IL. This was a incredibly receptive audience and I was really in a groove talking with them. We could have gone on and on with a Q and A session but they had students to recognize with awards and they normally have fairly short meetings. But this was a really smart group of people and they got into the presentation, which very quickly turned into a discussion group, which I found refreshing! I will load up some photos from that soon if I get any from the photographers.
That is all for now. I promise to do better in the future!

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