Thursday, February 11, 2016


Lenten Photo Challenge: Day 2

I wish I could sing. I mean, I can sing. Anyone can sing. But I wish I had a good singing voice. Like my daughter Cora. I love to hear her sing. When she sings, you can tell that she just loves doing it, despite that she might be nervous performing in front of an audience. Both my wife and I are not sure where the singing ability came from genetically but we are sure glad she has that talented voice. (If I were to guess, I would say she gets if from both of her grandmothers as they seem to have very good singing voices) When a song that I enjoy is playing, I often wonder what it would be like to hear my daughter's voice singing it instead of the original artist. At many high school singing competitions I have been rewarded with hearing her sing some popular songs and been amazed at how great the songs sound with her voice instead! The most amazing was when she sang "I See Fire" from "The Hobbit" movie by Peter Jackson. Sung originally by Ed Sheeran, Cora made the song her own (vocally) and killed it! It was amazing. I hope that she continues to sing throughout her entire life because I know it brings her joy. And what dad doesn't want their daughter to enjoy something she is so good at? So, Cora, if you are reading this... keep finding your voice and sing!

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