Monday, February 26, 2007

It's almost time...

Last week, after suffering through a blinding blizzard and some really damned cold temperatures in my part of Illinois, the state did what it does best and flip flopped completely in the weather department. We had some really nice temperatures last week, sometimes topping out in to the 50's. It was nice and gave those of us who have motorcylces a tast of what is to come and made some of us consider getting the beasties out of hibernation. At the same time, one of my favorite motorcycle accessory producers; Kuryakyn, sent me the new 2007 catalog of things to spend my money on. But what was really neat was their philosophy behind making all the cool products that they make. From the letter in the catalog:

"Our ideas are products of creative minds that realize a motorcycle isn't simply a means of transportation, but ratehr a representation of a person's very identity. We firmly believe that a motorcycle adventure isn't just a destination, but also the quality and enjoyment of the excursion and the pride of making your motorcycle a tourist attraction at every stop along the way."

This should be called the "Way Cool Philosophy of the Two Wheeled Brotherhood."

Here's to hoping for warmer weather... it is almost time!


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