Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What happens now?

Obama is now the president elect of the United States. In many ways, which I won't get into, this scares me. I do not think that he will be the healing leader that all his fans say he is. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think so. I personally think he is someone who will Europeanize the United States and bring us closer to socialism. We have been sliding that way for the last 20 years, and the momentum will only increase under Obama and a Democratic led Congress. And now that we do have a Dem President and Congress, at least I and the rest of America will know where to point the finger of blame when things go bad. But will they go bad? I hope not. I really really want America to be the best country in the world. I want it to be the leader in all things. I want the rest of the world to respect us, to fear us, and to need us. But here in America we have become so divided into an us and them, red and blue mentality (I blame the media for this brainwashing) that I feel we are sometimes on the edge of a new Civil War. And as Lincoln said, a divided house cannot stand. (oh, for a new Lincoln...) Government is going to grow under Obama. Welfare will expand. Taxes are going to go up. And most likely, the Democrats will self destruct like they always do when they have the top of the hill all to themselves.

What will I do for the next two years is do what I have always done. I will work to make my family safe, comfortable, and happy. I will not ask for handouts. I will go to work, put in a full days work and be happy about it. I will do all the things that I have always done to make my life worthwhile. I will continue to support things like my church, politicians who fight for smaller government and less welfare, the NRA, the Boy Scouts, and all those things that I think made America a great country. I think we will have a weaker country for the next few years and will be more of a follower instead of a leader. I will work for change if change is needed.

I will wait and see.

1 comment:

The guy who wears Chuck Taylors with a suit. said...

This man will be the Jimmy Carter of the early 21st century. He will go to the White House with high ideals and no sense of reality-and be chewed up by the career politicians.

Congress will be of no help, since the Democrats have proven time and again that they can't handle being in control. The party's diversity is not really a strength, but it's greatest weakness.

Those same Europeans are actually turning right, so Obama is already out of touch with them.

Mr. Reagan may be gone, but his revolution will come again.