Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Holy Crap... I am gonna be a Sunday School Teacher!

Yep, that is right! Earlier this year, the husband and wife team that were the adult leader/sponsors ask me and my wife to take over the Lutheran Youth Organization at our church, and we accepted. (With some trepidation, I think.) Along with the responsibilities of getting the kids involved in church and community activities, and raising money to go to the Lutheran Youth Gathering in New Orleans next year, it was also assumed that I would lead and or teach the High School Sunday School class. Yikes! Yes, as a good Lutheran, I attended Sunday School almost every Sunday and like most good Lutheran kids, pretty much disliked (not hated) going to Sunday School. Lets' face it! Sunday School was pretty dry for me. I did enjoy the stories and actually did learn something, but I think that my time would have been better spent doing it on my own. Who am I kidding? I would not have studied bible lessons. I just did not like Sunday School. I did enjoy attending church and liked confirmation class, except for the public questioning at the end. But enough of me.

I am now in charge of making Sunday School classes for TEENAGERS fun and interesting enough to come back to week after week. (I did not go to high school level Sunday School!) I know a number of the kids in the class, but some I do not. I do know that I get along well with kids and teenagers, and have scads of experience leading and being involved in kid activities. But never one that involves developing their faith and belief in God. Heck, and am still working on my own development! How am I gonna be able to help them!? My wife is part of this too and I have full confidence on her ability to help me, but she has even less experience at this sort of thing than I do! This will be as much a learning experience for her as it will be for the kids.

I have received a bunch of stuff from the previous adult leader, and it will help. I have also been combing the web for resources and have found some things that I can use. The advise the former leader told me was to not preach at the kids. Let the class kind of take it's own path. Be open to the kids, respect what they have to say, keep their confidences, and be willing to talk. I think I can do that, but there is still that level of fear that everyone has when charged with a new responsibility. I dare not let them know I am a bit nervous! Teenagers can smell fear like sharks smell blood in the water! That much I have learned in all my time dealing with kids.

I am sure that things will be okay. As I have thought on this subject for a long while, I keep coming back to a poster I was given for a birthday long ago by a member of the head of the Schmidt family.(get that, I even remember who gave it to me!) I had it on my bedroom wall when I lived with my folks. It was a picture of the Grand Canyon, but it was not the photo that I remember. It was the words printed on it. It said, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

I guess in this case, that is all I need. I will let you know how things turn out.


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