Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shut the frak up...

I have not really had much initiative to blog about anything because frankly, everything I can think about blogging about would just be about ranting or whining and I don't like to do either. There are way too many people bitching and moaning about useless stuff on the web, so I won't add to it. Instead I will remain silent until I find something useful to blog about. I will comment on some things that I could bitch about but will instead will find something positive about them.

I have to pay taxes this year again... but at least it is about 600 buck less than last year!

I continue to lose money in the stocks that I invest in... but I still contribute and have hope.

Winter just doesn't seem to want to let go of my neck of the woods... but at least it is not summer.

See.. this is pointless. Unless you have something really horrible to bitch about, quit being so fraking negative and trying smiling once in a while.

I am tired of all the drama that people are making for themselves. I often tell my son, "You make your own Hell." If you don't like your situation, change it and quit bitching about it. Right now I know so many people that are just doing their damnedest to make their own lives miserable. Try dealing with a dying parent, a mass of close friends losing jobs, and other close friends who are having their marriage exploding in their faces. These are things that can't be controlled. These are real problems.

Despite real troubles that are affecting me, I am going to refuse to bitch. I will handle it and look to the future and smile. I refuse to be unhappy. Life is way to short to mope about and complain... no one is listening anyway.


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