Wednesday, January 12, 2005

What's up with the way we identify couples..?

Have you ever wondered why when we name a couple, be they married, dating, brothers, sisters, or whatever make s them a "couple" of people, one person's name alway comes first. Well, if you haven't, too bad! I have and I am going to let you know what I think....

Anyway, lets take a fake couple, and call them Bob and Dave. When introduced to new people, you always say Bob and Dave, not Dave and Bob. Why?

Here's what I think. I think it is one of three reasons:

The first is that it just rolls off the tongue easier in certain combinations. This is probably what most people would say is the reason why we identify couples in a certain way.

The second reason is familial. Let's say one person in the couple is blood- relation to you. Almost always, I bet you say the relatives name first. Maybe not in every instance, but more likely than not. Try it out and identify the couples you know that has one person that is related to you and see what you come up with. (If you have known one of the persons longer or have a strong friendship with that one person, it acts alot like a relative.)

The third reason is a bit more subtle, and maybe a bit more insightful into your opinions or feelings about the people in the couple. Could it be that the person named first in the identification could be the person that you care for the most or like the most and the second person is a bit farther down, if only slightly, on your friendship scale? Think really hard about it and see how you feel about the couples that you often identify with their first names. And if you find some couples that you don't name one person first more frequently, maybe they are new to your circle of friends or family. Makes you think don't it. The next time that someone identifies you (as a couple) to a person and your name is second, do you think they care less for you than the other person in your couple, or could the above two factors be more accurate? Makes you wonder!


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