Thursday, August 28, 2008

Middle Eastern Rednecks...

This will be a rant.

In today's newspaper, I read this story about a couple of mentally disabled people, a brother and sister, were found hidden for the LAST 40 YEARS, in a concrete bedroom that stank of sweat and urine in the town or Beit Awwa, West Bank. Why, you might ask? Good question! It was because the Palestinian "family" of these two unfortunate and totally innocent people were afraid that the brother and sister would bring shame on their family! But here is the real kicker that makes me wonder if this family, or the society that they come from has any right to continue on... According to the article, the siblings are a result of a common acceptance and practice in Palestinian society of allowing the marriage and procreation of FIRST COUSINS!! Come on!! Here in the good ol' USA (land of the devil to islamofascists) we ridicule the idea of marrying first cousins. It is a common joke that only rednecks and backwater types do this sort of thing. Maybe it does happen here, but we have laws against it and certainly don't make it part of our accepted societal norms!

The father Ibrahim Musalmeh,(otherwise known at Billy Joe Ibrahim Bob) married his first cousin, and had eight children, five of whom were born with disabilities. Fortunately, I suppose, for those five, they died in childhood. Most likely from poor nurturing and care. These two survived with another apparently "normal" son, who most likely gets to have a normal life. The two disabled people, now adults were returned to the family, because they has no where to go. When checked in on again, the two were at least bathed and dressed, but still in the same room they have lived in for the last 40 years. Lucky them...

Apparently in Palestinian society, people born with disabilities are are considered a shame to the family, and are shunned accordingly. And due to this rather barbaric attitude, they don't bother with establishing care centers or institutions to help those unfortunate enough to be born into a family where they are screwing their cousins!

Who should be ashamed here? The family for thinking that shame has come down on them in the form of a disabled child because they were diving into the apparently very shallow gene pool, or the society that promotes this sort of behavior. Apparently this practice of marrying your toothless cousin is a way to keep inheritances in the family and it is not considered incest. Come On! Wake up People! Read your histories of instances of people dipping their stick into the same honey jar that they share with their brother! Take a look at the Hapsburg's for goodness sakes.

I don't know what the Israelis are so worried about from the Palestinians. Just let them keep this up and maybe they will breed themselves out of history.

This steams me so much because I know a bunch of kids and adults that have disabilities and they are filled with so much joy, love, and energy that there is no way they can bring shame to a family. I also hold to a Native American belief that those with these types of disabilities are considered to be touched and favored by the Great Spirit and are treated with respect and care.

Man... this world is whacked. No wonder there are wars. Sometimes, some people just need to die.

I hope I offend no one with this, but if I did, then maybe you need to look a little closer as what you consider acceptable behavior in a society.


Queenie said...

I couldn't agree with you more. As someone who has two mentally disabled siblings, hearing about the way those with disabilities are treated in other cultures (and, too often, even here at home) literally makes my stomach churn. It's horrifying to know that these sorts of things are still happening in the world today.

Deane Geiken said...

Queenie, then you know exactly what I am talking about! There can be no shame was so ever to a family that has a mentally disabled member. Sometimes, I wish that "normal" people were as loving, caring, and open hearted, as those people I know who have "disabilities."