Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Good Luck America!

We now have a new president of the United States of America! Personally, he is not the guy I would have wished in the office, but in America, leaders are elected, good or bad, by the people. We do not put people in office by the use of a gun barrel and threats. Leave that for the third world countries and those places less civilized. Every four to eight years we do this peaceably, calmly, and without bloodshed. That is what is truly cool about this country.

Obama is now president and alot of people have put their hope in them. I hope he is half as good as his supporters say he is and not nearly as bad as his detrackers say he could be. If we get that, we will have a good President. Obama is as far as I am concerned, untested and unready, but he seems willing to give it a go anyway. I am tired of the deification of him before he has even done anything. Let him achieve something before you start claiming him as the new messiah. I hope his advisors are the smartest people in the country. We need smart people now. We need people who want to help Americans, not just the people of a particular party, income level or race.

Whatever happens, I hope that only the best happens for my country. We are on the ropes now and need to stand up and steady ourselves. I don't know if Obama can do it, but I can only hope. Succeed or fail, it is in his hands now. He will be working with his own party, a party known for tearing itself apart when it has the power in its hands. I hope he remembers that there are more than just one set of party ideals represented in Washington. If he does not, he will fail in what he promises to do. We will become more divided. We will move ever closer to be a divided union like that one of 140 plus years ago.

We as Americans need to do what needs to be done to make this a better place. We need to manage ourselves better. We need to raise our kids better. We need to work together better. We need to be better Americans. We need another Greatest Generation.

They say that Obama is the new chance for America. I say they are wrong. We have a new chance every day we wake up. What we do with that day makes all the difference. We can keep on doing what we have or we can decide to make a change. If it takes a new president to start people up, then so be it. But you can talk all you want about change, but if you only talk, then no change will come.

Stand up Americans. Time to take back the place in the world that we worked so hard to get. We deserve it.


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