Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lenten Photo Challenge: Announce

Very often we hear people speaking their mind and announcing to the world what they think or feel about things, events, and people. The internet, Facebook, Twitter and all sorts of social media give people who might not otherwise be heard, a platform for speaking their mind. Much like a radio station allows it's on air personalities a platform for them to perform. The difference... most of the time... is that there are rules or guidelines to what you can or cannot (or are not supposed to at least) say on the airwaves. Some of those rules and guidelines are being tossed to the side and as more and more people ignore or overstep them, the fewer people are going to respect them in the future. On the internet, many people seem to feel insulated and will say things that they would never say to someone face to face. Words have meaning. Words have power. Whether stated as an opinion, in jest or as fact, when you say things, someone is going to hear you and assume that what you say is what you believe. I do. When you say something to me, I will take you at your word. I am someone that believes that when you say you will do something, you will do it. When you promise something, it will happen. When you say you will be somewhere, you will be there. But oh so often I am disappointed. People say words that they don't mean. They don't follow up. Words seem to be cheap now a days. Just look on the internet at all of the anger, hate and spiteful words are tossed around. But there are some good words used there too. Words used to inspire, uplift, comfort, and for knowledge. What I am getting at is that we all have a voice and we should be mindful of how we use it. And as far as I am concerned, if you say something, I am going to take you for your word. To that end, I am going to use this initial photo challenge to announce what I am doing for Lent. I think that when I state it and put it out there for the public, I am held more accountable to hold to what I have said I will do. Each year I try to add or change what I do for the Lenten Season. Here is my 2015 challenge to myself. Some are ones I have kept for a long time and some are new ones. Each one has a reason for being there and if you are curious why, just ask.

So... in the next 40 days I announce that I:

- will not eat any potatoes or foods with potatoes (harder than you think...)
- will not add white sugar to anything I eat or drink
- will not eat bread (as in slices of bread or rolls and such)
- will not eat candy of any sort (this is a big one for me!)
- will fast for 24 hours once a week
- will not drink soda pop
- will read at least one chapter from a book during the work week (I find that I have really dropped off how much I read)
- will partake in the photo challenge generated by
- will join my wife and daughter at the gym 3 times a week
- will go camping at least once during this Lenten Season
- will finish at least two projects I have been working on that are taking up way to much space in by basement

There... I have said it. Now I must follow through.

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