Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lenten Photo Challenge Day 2 : Look

How do you start your day? Do you look forward to it? How do you look at your day? The 24 hours that you have. You have the same 24 hours that everyone else has, but you will spend it far differently than anyone else, all because of how you look at it.

It is very easy to become jaded and angry with ourselves, our lives. Even angry and jaded with others and situations that we really can't do anything about. (Even though we can but we can't see a way to do it.) So very often we don't look forward to the day that we have been given. The day becomes jammed packed with all kinds of things that demand our attention. We get frustrated and sometimes the day gets lost to us. And then we collapse in bed looking forward to the bliss of sleep but dreading getting up in the morning. I have been there. And sometimes I am there. I have been told by many that I always seem to be having a good time at what ever I am doing. I can't say if that is true but I certainly do try! I am not sure when, but at some point in the past I realized that I need to look at each day as a gift and make the most of it. That was impressed upon me in a big way a few years ago, because you can never know when you will not be able to look forward to another day. But there is also another reason... in a very geeky way.

I was inspired by, of all people, William Shatner. Yes. James T. Kirk himself. I was listening to an interview with his nephew I believe, and he was asked what it was like to be close to William Shatner. He described Shatner as having more fun than anyone else he knew. Everything is fantastic to Shatner. Everything is a wonderful experience, it is always the best he has ever had, even if it is a simple glass of lemonade. He is happy to be alive and looks forward to the next day. I am sure there are many like him in this world that have that same enthusiasm, but for a geek like me, I look up to him as role model... After all, he played CAPTAIN KIRK! And to a geek like me, that is all the incentive I need.

So I take a cue from the man himself. William Shatner. I look forward to each day and I look to have as good of a day as possible and try to revel in every experience. I don't always succeed, but I try!

Live Long and Prosper my friends and look forward to a great day!

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