Friday, February 20, 2015

Lenten Photo Challenge: Day 3 - Alone

I have no idea what it is like to be alone. I don't mean the kind of alone where you are by yourself at home, or at a restaurant or movie theater, but the kind of alone where there is no one you can depend on to be there when you need them.

My wife is always with me. Even if she is not physically near me, she is always with me. When I make a decision or plan, her voice is there advising me. And most of the times I listen... Sometimes, to my regret, I don't. :)

I have a big family and they are the type of family that will have your back and be there in an instant when you need them. Even my father who passed away five years ago is still with me if I take time to hear him.

I have friends that are the best that someone could ever ask for. They are fun to be around but most importantly I can turn to them for help and support.

All of these people are my foundation and my support system and with them I will never be alone. They are part of my pack. And for that I am grateful. Incredibly grateful.

But I am sure that there are many people I know that do feel alone. And I probably have no idea that they feel that way. But I am here to tell you that if you feel alone, please let me know. If you are one of those people that make it possible that I never feel alone, I want to return that favor. I want to be part of your pack.

No one should feel alone. No one should be a lone wolf.

** Note on the wolf photo. Obviously it is not mine. But if asked what something thinks about when they hear the word "alone", often they think of the "lone Wolf", out alone in the wilderness. But they are not. Wolves are social creatures that depend on their pack to survive. They might seem as though they can survive alone, but they cannot. I can relate to the wolf.

Photo source: Here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks, Deane - nice to know!