Monday, February 23, 2015

Lenten Photo Challenge; Day 6 - Covenant


I really did not know where to go with this word. This is the hardest word so far in the Photo Challenge. I know the meaning behind it and like the word "promise", it means that you will follow through, you will uphold your end, and you are committed to something. My wife wrote a wonderful piece about this word HERE and I won't dare try to copy something as beautiful as what she wrote.

So I will go another route. Much like the word "announce" that was the first word in this Lenten Challenge, the word "covenant" has much that same meaning for me. (Unless you are talking about the Covenant in the "HALO" game series and then we skitter off into a much geekier discussion...)

I have made many covenants in my life. Covenants to my wife, my family, God, work and to myself. When I make a covenant with someone, I fully intend to follow through with that agreement and should I fall short, even though I am embarrassed by my failure, I can at least beg for forgiveness from those I failed. I am rarely able to forgive myself. I am probably harder on myself than I need to be but that is just the makeup of my personality. There are things that I have failed to do on a personal level that I feel I should have accomplished and finished with success. Some of them are trivial while a few are broken covenants that I will never forgive myself for.

I make covenants with myself to challenge myself, to better myself, and to be someone that others can depend on.

--On a side note, the photo is the result of one of my covenants to myself. To learn a new language. I am struggling to get there, but I am getting closer!

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