Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lenten Photo Challenge: Day 8 - Place

Where is your place? Do you have a place? I don't mean a place were you live or a place where you work, but a place were you belong. A place that makes you feel perfectly comfortable and at ease and a place were you think you might just be making a difference.

My place is right in the middle of young people.

Ever since I had kids of my own, I knew that being involved in the lives of young people in my community was the place I belonged.

My son joined Cub Scouts as a Tiger Cub and when the opportunity for someone to take over leadership in the Cub Scouts arose, I jumped at the chance to be part of this organization that helps shape young boys into young men. This continued into Boy Scouts as my son advanced upward in his Scouting ranks and I was right there in the dirt with those Boy Scouts. Camping, merit badge work, service projects, you name it. I found my place with them.

Another opportunity arose when my daughter became a Girl Scout and my wife took over as leader. I needed to be part of that youth organization. I was maybe not as involved as I was with the Boy Scouts, but I supported them in every way I could.

At our church, my wife and I felt the need to be leaders of the High School aged Youth Group and we found even more rewards with this group of young people. We made two trips to New Orleans for Youth Gatherings that gave me, and I hope them, experiences they will never forget.

I even work my way into school trips and such... even going with a group of FFA kids to Washington DC for a week trip. Trips to the zoos or trips to Springfield. And in a few months, I am joining the PBL Marching Band on a trip to New Orleans as a chaperone.

And as I mentioned in an earlier blog, we hosted a foreign exchange student and soon our house became overrun with high school students coming and going from our house. I could not have been happier.

And now I am working at Parkland College and am heavily involved in the training and education of young people just starting off on their adult lives and I love it. I found my place even at work. And for that I am really thankful.

And to those young people who have let me be a part of their lives.... Thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me.

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